Tuesday, November 1, 2011

blah blah....

Not much to report....... Hubs and I went to the beach this last weekend and had a wonderfully beautiful day on saturday :)  We spent time walking on the beach with Mo and spending some alone time together.  We also started doing P90X this week, man oh man I am so so sore!  I am still feeling super bloated and have some pretty good pains in my abdomen at times which im sure is just my body healing.  I am excited to be working out again, I have missed running I cant believe I am writing that!!!!!!  Nothing new on the work front, still waiting on a call back from the hiring manager at corporate.  We launched red cups today as well as the super popular holiday drinks (boo egg nog) it seems so surreal that its that time of year already!


  1. I love the P90X workouts! I just need to wipe the dust off of ours and start it again!

  2. its so hard to start again! I can hardly move today :)

  3. Love the pictures. I want to go to the beach soooo bad. :)

  4. looks like my oregon beach. where are you?
